Tuesday, 22 September 2015

The sticky facts about sneaky sugars

Sussing out that hidden sweetness.

IN THE WORDS of Mary Poppins, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. This may be true, but a far more frightening truth about sugar is that, when eaten in large quantities, it can be a threat to your health. More sugar in your diet will not only lead to more trips to the dentist, but also increase your risk for diabetes and heart disease. We may be eating more than we realize because it is hidden in most foods we consume. Here is a look at the differences between types of sugars and the surprising places where you'll find hidden sweetness.


There are two types of sugar. Naturally occuring sugar is found in whole unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables and dairy products, which deliver essential vitamins and minerals. The second type is added sugar, which is present in foods that you buy
already sweetened, or anything you put into your food as a sweetener. When you buy cookies or sugary breakfast cereals, you're aware they have added sweeteners. But you may not recognize there is added sugar in products such as bottled salad dressing, ketchup, crackers, frozen meals, fruit-flavored yogurt, and some breads and bagels. Sometimes, seemingly healthy products, such as granola, sports drinks and energy bars, contain sugar. Even natural sweeteners, such as honey and agave, are classified as added sugars.


It's unlikely any of us are overdosing on too many servings of fruits and vegetables, but it's another story when it comes to juices and smoothies. Ordering a fresh-pressed mix of greens at a local juice bar (made with whole fruits and vegetables; no added
sugar) is a good idea. You'll be getting practically a day's worth of produce, with tons of nutritional value. It's not the same as buying a pre-packaged bottle of green stuff with a healthy-sounding moniker. The label may read "no sugar added," but when browsing the ingredients list, you'll likely see that it's not all fruit but rather fruit juices with other natural flavors. And though a bottled juice appears to be low in calories, keep in mind that the number you're looking at is for just one serving. A bottle usually contains two or more servings.


Most packaged goods contain both naturally occurring and added sugars. Nutrition facts on a package clump them together in a combined total. This makes it difficult to figure out how much of each type you're getting. Checking the list of ingredients can give you a better idea about how much sugar is actually added to the product. The ingredients list displays contents in descending order, so the higher an ingredient is listed, the more it is contained in the product. And added sugars can go by many names, including fructose, maltose, corn syrup and cane juice, among others. Also, nutrition labels list sugar in grams, which makes it even harder to gauge how much you're eating. Here's an easy way to keep track: 1 teaspoon equals about 4 grams, so 10 grams of sugar is about 2 teaspoons. Recommended daily allowances for added sugar is 6 to 8 teaspoons.

Instantly lessen your sugar intake by eating mostly whole foods and avoiding packaged foods, soda and other sugary drinks.


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